Purple Pinkie fundraiser for polio

Staff at Louvre Group took Purple Pinkie Day literally with a manicure fundraiser and raised £350.00, the equivalent of 875 polio immunisation doses, for the Rotary International’s campaign to eradicate the disease.

Rita Kudrjavceva of Rita’s Beauty Salon on Victoria Road generously gave her time for free to help the fiduciary and fund services organisation raise the money. The ladies of Louvre stuck to the theme and enjoyed purple, mauve, lavender and lilac manicures.

The two Rotary Clubs in Guernsey continue to help raise awareness and funds to support the worldwide campaign by Rotary International to eradicate polio worldwide.

The polio immunisation drops cost only 40 pence per dose. Polio has been stamped out in 122 countries around the world. Last year Nigeria was removed from the list of countries where polio is a serious threat however, Afghanistan and Pakistan are still polio endemic and other countries remain vulnerable to the virus.

‘We are always keen to support local and international causes and our corporate social responsibility team regularly organises community work and fundraisers like the manicure day,’ explains Eugenie Konig, HR Administrator for Louvre Group. ‘Many of us are parents and are particularly sensitive to issues that affect children. Hopefully the two remaining countries where polio is common will soon be free of this disease.’